
原名:Die Schule der magischen Tiere   又名:魔法动物学园(台) / 魔法动物学院 / The School of Magical Animals

状态:HD   更新:2024-05-28 08:05:42

因为母亲的事业,艾达不得不搬到另一个城镇,成为温特斯坦学校的“新女孩”。 她在新的班级里日子不好过:交不到朋友的的艾达不得已只能呆在羞涩内向的本尼旁边。 一天,艾达的老师把孩子们介绍给莫蒂默·莫里森——一个周游世界寻找“神奇动物”的人。 每一种动物都注定要成为孩子的灵魂伙伴。 在所有人中,转校生艾达和本尼是班上最先拥有魔法伙伴的人! 从现在起,本尼身边就有一只古老而聪明的海龟,而艾达有一只狡猾的狐狸。 当物品在学校里不断消失,学校出现了超级小偷。孩子们和神奇的小动物为了帮助朋友洗刷嫌疑,解开超级小偷之谜。The charming live-action adventure with CGI animated animals about an unusual school where the children receive a magical animal as a companion, centers on new girl Ida, who goes from being an outsider to the star student thanks to her magical animal, the talking fox Rabbat. Ida has had to move to another town and is now the \"new girl\" at the Winterstein School. She has a hard time in the new class: bitchy Helene makes sure that Ida has scant chance of making friends, and there is only one place left for her on the first day of school: next to outsider Benni. One day, her teacher introduces the children to Mortimer Morrison, who travels the world looking for \"magical animals\". Each of these animals is destined to become a child's soulmate. Of all people, newcomer Ida and outsider Benni are the first in the class to have magical companions. From now on, Benni has the ancient, wise turtle Henrietta at his side and Ida the cunning fox Rabbat. When objects keep disappearing at school, the children and the magical animals must stick together to solve the mystery of the school thief.
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