儿子约瑟夫的死亡让杜勒一家人陷入了无尽的悲痛之中,父亲整日里紧锁眉头,而母亲则坚持相信儿子并没有离去,而是会化身为精灵再度回到她的身边。压抑的家庭气氛让小女儿西朗特倍感孤独,没有人关注她的感受。一天,表妹弗朗西斯(Elizabeth Earl 饰)暂时住进了西朗特的家中,她的父亲即将奔赴战场。   弗朗西斯的到来让西朗特终于重拾了快乐,两人成天待在一起,消磨着彼此的时间。约瑟夫生前十分沉迷于对于精灵的研究,甚至为精灵们搭了一座小小的城堡。在弗朗西斯的强烈要求下,西朗特带着她进入了花园,开始寻找精灵的踪迹。让两人没有想到的是,她们竟然真的找到了精灵,不仅如此,还拍下了照片。Based on factual accounts, this is the story of two young girls that, somehow, have the ability to take pictures of winged beings... which certainly causes quite a stir throughout England during the time of the first World War. Everyone, except the girls who think it's quite normal, are excited about this "photographic proof" that fairies exist... even the great Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini pay the girls a visit.
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