
剧情  法国   1974  法语 

原名:La Race des 'seigneurs'   又名:激情与抱负 / 骨灰密码 / Elite Group

状态:42播放   更新:2023-08-22 05:08:27

年轻政治家朱连一心想在大选钟成为新政府的总理,他的野心让他对周围的一切人和事失去了判断力,直到他爱上年轻漂亮的时装模特克丽丝,朱连在新的生活激情和步步高升的职业抱负的斗争中痛苦挣扎,直到最后……到底政治家是爱江山还是爱美人呢?Julien Dandieu, leader of the socialist political party PRU is asked to be part of the new conservative government as minister of foreign affairs. However his reputation is somewhat tarnished by his adulterous relationship with Creezy, a fashion model seen on every magazine cover. Ready to sacrifice his family for his career, he is eventually faced with the ultimate choice: his career ambitions or a lifetime with his beautiful girlfriend, who has recently mysteriously disappeared.
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