
原名:宮沢賢治の食卓   又名:

状态:更新到05集   更新:2023-08-22 01:08:13

国民作家宫泽贤治因《银河铁道之夜》《无畏惧雨》等为人熟知。本剧通过宫泽贤治喜欢的食物以及古典音乐,描绘了年轻的宫泽贤治,在其天真烂漫的青春时代,和家人亲朋之间感人至深的故事。特别是他的杰作诗歌《永诀之朝》,吟诵着与最爱的妹妹登志的死别。字里行间中表现的兄妹情,令人潸然泪下。铃木亮平饰演的宫泽贤治,有笑有泪又鲜活,是现下作品中很少表现到的。In 1921, Miyazawa Kenji left a wealthy family and went to Tokyo. Standing on his own two feet, he lived there for 8 months. Late summer, Kenji received a telegram from his family. Worried about his younger sister Toshi, Kenji returned to his family. What waited for Kenji there, was Kenji's father Masajiro. His father had deceived Kenji about the health of his younger sister because he was worried about Kenji living alone. Meanwhile, Kenji has still not found his true calling in life. Kenji makes korokke (potato croquettes), which he tasted in Tokyo, and shares it with his family. He realizes that sharing his happiness is ideal for him. In accordance with Toshi's wish, Kenji becomes a teacher at a newly created agricultural school.
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