
原名:La veuve Couderc   又名:过江龙 / The Widow Couderc

状态:50播放   更新:2023-08-22 12:08:02

一个背井离乡的英俊的逃犯(第一次见阿兰德龙蓄胡子,差点儿没认出来)来到了一个小乡村,在一个寡妇家打工。寡妇独自一人经营农场,对面就住着亲戚,但是已经反目成仇。一个寡妇想要生存,必须坚毅、自强的——也许她并不受村民的喜爱,但是她也期盼温情和呵护……Her youth has been spent working for a farm family, being raped by father and son, marrying the son who has now left her a happy widow. She is happy because World War I is over and she is enjoying being in control of the farm. And then she hires the handsome stranger who helped her carry the new incubator for chicks from the bus and across the canal. In the house by the canal with the job of raising and lowering the bridge for passing boats lives the widow's envious sister-in-law along with husband and nubile daughter.
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