
未知 日本  2013  日语 

原名:サンゴレンジャー   又名:The Sango Ranger

状态:HD   更新:2024-06-14 03:06:46

以辣酱闻名全国的石垣岛,迎来了最不平凡的夏天。一座大桥即将在岛上修建,但是在提供了交通便利以及刺激当地经济发展的同事,不可避免会对小岛周围的珊瑚礁造成破坏。不同的立场和目的,让岛民们分成两派,他们展开激烈的辩论,但是谁也无法说服对方,大桥修建计划陷入僵局。而就在此时,环境省自然保护官矢岛隆(青柳翔 饰)来到小岛,他自然极力反对大桥的修建,而且甚至提出要建立一支“珊瑚护卫队”。矢岛的言论得到了反对派的拥护,同时也必将遭到拥护派的憎恶。接下来的日子里,矢岛和那些热爱小岛以及美丽大自然的年轻人联合起来,捍卫着石垣岛最引以为豪的自然景观。   他们的护卫之路,也绝不可能一路平坦……On Ishigaki Island, conflict brews over a large-scale bridge construction project. One day, Yajima, a public official from the Ministry of Environment, is sent to Ishigaki Island. Yajima announces to his colleagues that he is absolutely opposed to the bridge construction project and that he will become a coral ranger who protects the coral reef there. This surprises his colleagues. Kishitani becomes Yajima's partner. He unilaterally appoints Kishitani to become a member of the coral ranger. At first, Kishitani is uncomfortable with Yajima's unilateral behavior, but Kishitani assimilates well with Yajima. In addition, Risa, who works as an elementary school teacher, becomes touched by Yajima's message on the importance of the sea and coral reef to her students. She accepts his offer to become a member of the coral ranger. At a rally opposing the bridge construction project, Yajima makes his opinion clear on the controversial project. This angers the pro-development side. Later, a boy in a wheelchair, who admires Yajima, becomes injured during a stormy night. There's also the revelation of corruption by politicians on the opposition side. The dispute of the bridge construction project intensifies. Yajima suffers setbacks for the first time.
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