
原名:Faustrecht der Freiheit   又名:狐狸和他的朋友们 / 佛克斯 / 狐狸霍斯 / 自由武卫 / 自由的武力自卫权 / Fist-Fight of Freedom / Fox and His Friends

状态:333播放   更新:2024-04-28 08:04:17

弗兰茨(赖纳•维尔纳•法斯宾德 Rainer Werner Fassbinder 饰)所工作的巡回展览团被非法取缔后他便无处可去。通过古董商马克思的介绍他接触了一个富人同性恋团体。在这里他认识了家里经营印刷产业的欧根(Peter Chatel 饰),两人逐渐坠入爱河。不久,弗兰茨竟然神奇的中了50万的彩票,欧根得知后彻底抛弃了以前的朋友菲利普,而弗兰茨也为欧根身上的贵族气息深深迷恋而不能自拔。他用中奖得来的钱买了套房子和欧根同居,买奢侈用品,出入高档场所玩乐。此时欧根父亲经营的印刷厂遭遇破产危机,欧根诱使弗兰茨拿出10万入注救急,弗兰茨慷慨相助却没想欧根父亲在契约上做了手脚......Working class and middle-upper class worlds come together in this interesting look at class conflict within the gay world from the German director Reiner Werner Fassbinder. Fassbinder plays Fox, he is working class, a former circus performer who wins the lottery of DM 500,000. His life starts to look up and doesn't have to struggle financially. Fox can now have the life and things that he has always wanted. He begins a new relationship with Eugen, creates a business partnership, and his life is looking bright. While he wants to climb up the social ladder, it isn't without turmoil, and being torn between his old working class roots, and the shiny new facade of middle class consciousness.
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