
喜剧 爱情  法国   2019  法语   英语 

原名:Mon inconnue   又名:翻挞法兰妻(港) / 超时空初恋(台) / 再见钟情 / 二次情缘 / 陌生恋人 / Love at Second Sight

状态:正片   更新:2024-05-28 02:05:37

穿过千千万万时间线,跨越漫长岁月去寻找曾经的爱人。只是平行时空,重新认识,她还会爱上他吗?一次激烈的争吵,一场意外的时空旅行,拉斐尔(弗朗索瓦·西维尔 饰)从一名成功的畅销书作家,变成平庸的中学语文老师;妻子奥利维娅(约瑟芬·约比 饰)从家庭主妇成为了星光熠熠的著名钢琴家。再相遇,身份颠倒,不再是夫妻,平行时空又一次浪漫邂逅,拉斐尔能否守住最初的爱情?Paris, 2009. Raphaël is a high school student who pass the days with his best friend Felix at the same time that he tries to end his first Sci-Fi novel when by chance he meets Olivia, another student fan to play piano. After a first magical encounter between them, Raphaël finds in her the inspiration to end the novel. Ten years later, 2019, the novel have been turned in a famous Sci-Fi saga and Raphaël in a best-selling writer with a successful career including apparitions in TV and Internet. Therefore, he turned in a man full of himself without space for any other, and the marriage with Olivia is each time more cold and distant. After to finish his last book and talk with Olivia about to end the relation, they both go to sleep. To the next morning, Raphaël wakes up to find himself in an alternate reality: he works as teacher in a public high school of with the too teacher Felix, is related with Mélanie (another teacher of his school), his career as writer not exists, and Olivia is a ...
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