
原名:The Mummy   又名:Cagliostro / Im-Ho-Tep / King of the Dead / Mumien Vaknar

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-29 06:01:03

故事发生在1921年的埃及,一支探险队在法老的坟墓里发现了因霍特(波利斯·卡洛夫 Boris Karloff 饰)的木乃伊。因霍特曾经是一名王子,因为受到了法老的诅咒而遭遇了活活陪葬的悲惨命运。在墓穴中同时被发现的,还有一份神秘的卷轴,在传说中,这卷轴能够赋予死人新的生命。探险队中的一名成员在阴差阳错之下念出了卷轴上的咒语,之后发狂而死,因霍特因此俘获。   一晃眼十年过去,在这十年间,因霍特一直都隐藏着自己的身份,作为一名普通的埃及青年生活着。实际上,他一直在寻找一个名叫海伦(齐塔·约翰 Zita Johann 饰)的姑娘,这个姑娘的前世正是因霍特曾经的恋人。In 1921 a field expedition in Egypt discovers the mummy of ancient Egyptian prince Im-Ho-Tep, who was condemned and buried alive for sacrilege. Also found in the tomb is the Scroll of Thoth, which can bring the dead back to life. One night a young member of the expedition reads the Scroll out loud, and then goes insane, realizing that he has brought Im-Ho-Tep back to life. Ten years later, disguised as a modern Egyptian, the mummy attempts to reunite with his lost love, an ancient princess who has been reincarnated into a beautiful young woman.
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