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原名:下町ロケット   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 02:01:52

七年前,赛琳号火箭试飞失败,引擎开发人员佃航平(阿部宽 饰)作为替罪羔羊引咎辞职,随后回到老家继承了父亲的佃制造所。由于对当年事件耿耿于怀,他投入大笔研究经费用于新型引擎和阀门的开发,从而导致制造所处于濒临破产的境地。雪上加霜的是,某不良企业利用专利申请漏洞,状告佃制造所侵权,并索取巨额赔偿,更密谋吞并这家小企业。与此同时,在航天事业方面执牛耳的帝国重工力推全自有技术的“星尘计划”,谁知作为关键零件的阀门专利竟已被佃制造所先期掌握,帝国的主要负责人财前道生(吉田晃司 饰)面临重大抉择。在此之后又过去三年,挺过了灭亡危机的佃航平遭遇新的对手,来自佐山制作所的椎名(小泉孝太郎 饰)将在航天、医疗等领域与之展开新的较量……   本片根据池井户润的同名原作改编。Tsukuda Kohei was once a researcher with the Aerospace and Science Exploration Agency and now runs Tsukuda Industries, a small factory which was left by his father. Although his relationship with his teenage daughter Rina is somewhat strained, business at Tsukuda Industries has gradually started to improve. But Tsukuda puts too much effort into his dream of developing a rocket engine and business declines little by little. One day, a major client suddenly declares that it is dropping Tsukuda Industries. Then, Tsukuda Industries gets sued by a big rival company, Nakashima Industries, for patent infringement. Tsukuda Industries reputation is hurt and financing from banks is also in a desperate situation. In the midst of this, Teikoku Heavy Industries, one of Japan leading corporations, offers to buy a patent which Tsukuda Industries possesses for 2 billion yen.
日劇-下町火箭(Shitamachi Rocket)正體-07.srt

资源名:日劇-下町火箭(Shitamachi Rocket)正體-07.srt




