
原名:老大人   又名:Dad's Suit

状态:HD   更新:2024-05-28 03:05:34

八旬老翁金茂独自住在平溪的透天厝里,老伴已先行离世,儿女皆已各自安身立命于台北。尽管健康走下坡,台北仍是一个金茂永远都亲近不了的地方,医院几乎是他对这城市的唯一印象。某日,金茂又因胃痛住院。病房里,步入壮年的儿女再度因他的照护问题争吵。然而,一场意外让金茂辗转住进了安养院,就算孙子凯凯捎来结婚喜讯,也丝毫没有消弭金茂的低落情绪。这天,女儿推轮椅带金茂上街,想带他为孙子的婚礼订做新西装。殊不知,对金茂而言,西装早已有着完全不同的意涵。80-year-old widower Chin-mao lives alone in rural Pingxi and frequents the hospital. His son and daughter, Yi-cheng and Yu-chen, stay in big cities for a living. One day Chin-mao is admitted to the hospital due to stomach pains, and Yi-cheng and Yu-chen have a heated argument about how to take care of their father. An unforseen accident forces Chin-mao to accept his deteriorating conditions and agree to stay in a nursing home. Sickness, death and a suit too old to fit gradually tear down his will to live; even his grandson's wedding cannot cheer him up. The thoughtful Yu-chen has a new suit tailor-made for her father so they can all celebrate the wedding as a family. But Chin-mao just wants to wear the new suit and walks his last mile back home.
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