
原名:C.O.G.   又名:

状态:358播放   更新:2024-01-29 06:01:03

根据同志作家大卫·希德尔的同名短篇小说改编,公开同志演员乔纳森·格罗夫主演。电影讲述年轻的常青藤大学生误打误撞来到俄勒冈州的一处苹果园。他打算利用果园打工的时间规划未来,但计划却没有变化来得快。当地形形色色的人影响他的生活方式、撼动他对性的体验、甚至吓得他落荒而逃以致流 落街头。在经历各种辗转和奇遇后,教会的人同意收留他,而他们问的第一句话是:“你是C.O.G.吗?”C.O.G.,是“Children of God”的缩写。Leaving the ivy-covered walls of Yale behind, the privileged and intellectual Samuel sets out to discover the real world armed with books and a strong conviction of atheism. He goes to work at an apple orchard under an alias, but is thrust into a world he is wholly unprepared for with religious locals and untrustworthy co-workers. His sexuality and lack of faith will be tested as he learns to rely on strangers in a world that can't be taught in books and a classroom.
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