
原名:Saturday Night Live Jimmy Fallon/Michael Bublé   又名:周六夜现场

状态:12播放   更新:2023-08-22 06:08:12

第37季第10集 Jimmy Fallon和他的女友在毕业多年后重回学校,试图用两张假学生证混入一个派对...本期主持Jimmy Fallon,适逢圣诞,Jimmy来SNL主持有回家的感觉,于是他欢快地弹起吉他,和一众卡司激情热舞,欢度圣诞,,,,NBC的Today节目里,两位女主持又在互相调侃,这时候已经退休的Jimmy回来了...Michael Buble新推出圣诞对唱专辑,邀请了Sting、Justin Bieber、Taylor Swift等歌星和他对唱...在后台的Jimmy在对着镜头苦思冥想他接下来要表演的节目....圣诞聚会上,Andy带来了钢琴独奏,而Kristen则“被迫'要唱歌,Jimmy"被逼"要跳舞...本期音乐嘉宾Michael Buble。Jimmy Fallon hosts the Christmas show, playing an adult trying to crash a dance at his old high school, a retired Regis dropping in on Hoda and Kathy Lee, Russell Brand and then Justin Bieber singing Christmas duets with Michael Bublé, getting advice from his mirror image as he prepares to host SNL, the reluctantly-dancing host at a 1928 Manhattan cocktail party, the keyboardist in a quartet of SNL alums ("I Wish It Was Christmas Today"), and the horse on Broadway's "War Horse." Jude Law impersonates Justin Timberlake on "Weekend Update," Michael Bublé sings, Tommy Palmese does his off-Broadway show, and Jesus visits Tim Tebow and the Broncos in the locker room.
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周六夜现场:吉米·法伦/迈克尔·布雷观看小提示:[DVD标清版] [BD超清版] [HD高清版] [TS抢先版:不清晰] 如果播放卡顿,可以刷新页面或者更换播放源