
原名:ロング・グッドバイ   又名:The Long Goodbye

状态:290播放   更新:2024-02-01 05:02:36

孤狼一匹的私家侦探増泽磐二(浅野忠信 饰)偶然在雨夜帮助了酒醉的男子原田保(绫野刚 饰)。保是当红女明星原田志津香(太田莉菜 饰)的丈夫,却因婚变搞得落魄不堪。一来二去增泽和保交上朋友,然而不久后保涉嫌杀害志津香逃遁台湾。增泽因协助逃亡遭到警方审讯和殴打,而他在押期间则 传来保自杀身亡的噩耗。由于志津香的父亲原田平藏(柄本明 饰)是横跨商界和政界的明日之星,所以警方和媒体受其势力的影响集体选择缄默。出狱后的增泽被告知禁止再调查此案,可是美艳人妻上井户亚以子(小雪 饰)、冷艳美女高村世志乃(富永爱 饰)等人交替出现,又将增泽拉入那宗扑朔迷离的悬案泥潭。真相究竟为何……   本片根据美国作家雷蒙德·钱德勒的原作改编。In this unauthorized adaptation of the novel "The Long Goodbye" by Raymond Chandler set in Tokyo during the 1950', Tamotsu is suspected of murdering his actress wife Shizuka Harada. He flees to Taiwan and commits suicide. Tamotsu's friend Banji Masuzawa, a private detective, has doubts about Tamotsu's death, but the case is covered up by powerful media mogul Heizo Harada. Banji is then involved in another case involving the neighbors of the Harada family. He encounters drunk novelist Joji Kamiido, a publishing house editor and a beautiful woman Aiko who holds the key to case. As it looks like Banji has solved the case, something unexpected occurs..
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