
原名:   又名:阿里子,埃迪!

状态:94播放   更新:2023-08-21 11:08:16

11岁天才自行车少年Freddy是一个屠夫的儿子,他们居住在一个人烟稀少的小岛上,他们的村庄犹如田园诗歌般的美丽。1975年,当这个村庄里第一家超市开张时,他之前那孤独的生活彻底改变了。为了庆祝开业,超市组织了一场自行车比赛,冠军可以和Eddy Merckx见面。由于生意竞争,Freddy的父亲是超市的强烈反对者,但是Freddy还是瞒着他父亲悄悄的报了名。这项由许多人一起参加的比赛不仅仅在Freddy面前,同时也在他周围人的面前打开了一个全新的世界。The eleven year old cycling talent Freddy is the son of a butcher in an idyllic village in no man's land. His isolated life is turned upside down completely in 1975 when the first supermarket in the village opens its doors. To mark the opening the supermarket organizes a cycling race and the winner of that match will meet Eddy Merckx. Freddy's father is a fervent opponent of the supermarket and the competition, but Freddy subscribes behind his back. By participating in the race a new world opens, not only for Freddy, but also for all those around him.
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