
原名:Un couple modèle   又名:

状态:18播放   更新:2023-08-22 07:08:59

建筑工程师罗曼生活一向严谨,却由于整日忙于工作而忽视了对妻子伊莎贝尔的关心。伊莎贝尔在一次外出时有了外遇,罗曼一时冲动提出了离婚,随即便感到了后悔。托马斯是一个房地产商人,因为经常在外面拈花惹草,被忍无可忍的妻子赶出家门。同样面临离婚命运的罗曼和托马斯在法院不期而遇,相同的情绪和感受使两个男人彼此产生了同情,罗曼决定收留无处栖身的托马斯在自己家过夜。他们都想挽救濒临终结的婚姻,却都一筹莫展。经过认真的商议,两个人想出了切实可行的办法:让对方设法说服自己的妻子,和丈夫言归于好……Romain and Thomas, two men on the brink of a divorce. Fate throws them together, yet never has there been two more unlikely roommates. Everything opposes them: their tastes, their habits, their personalities, and even rumors when Romain's mother becomes convinced her son has come out of the closet and found happiness with a man. They have only one thing in common: their desire to get their wives back.
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