啊,荒野 后篇

原名:あゝ、荒野 後篇   又名:Ah, Wilderness : Part Two

状态:正片   更新:2024-05-28 03:05:44

菅田将暉×ヤン・イクチュンW主演作『あゝ、荒野』が、10月7日(土)と10月21日(土)に、前後篇2部作連続で公開されることが決定。あわせてイメージビジュアルが公開された。本作は、1960年代後半、激動の時代において、演劇、映画、文学とマルチに活躍した寺山修司が、唯一遺した長編小説を実写化した青春ストーリー。In the sequel to the first part, which was released simultaneously to this film, Shinji and Kenji join a boxing club. The former is just released from a prison for young offenders. The latter has a speech disability and suffers both physically and psychologically as a result. They meet and form a bond as Japanese society of 2021 breaks down around them due to the sins of capitalism and shortsightedness.
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