
原名:巴利冰   又名:Barli Ais

状态:13播放   更新:2023-08-22 05:08:43

因为爸爸的不争气,以及妈妈的离开,有志气的宇航,做着各种工作来养活自己和妹妹。这天回家,于康看到爸爸搜刮着自己赚来的钱……终于忍不住和爸爸起了冲突。另一边,被儿女目睹自己追债的爸爸因羞愧且自责不已,毅然决然地离开了家。而被留下来的宇航,决定带着雨晴,坐上离开小岛的船只,踏上寻找妈妈的路。Because father was a loser and mother left home, Yu-Hung worked harder and did many kinds of jobs to feed his younger sister and himself. One day, Yu-Hung went back home and saw his father taking away the money he earned. He couldn't bear it anymore and then came into conflict with his father. On the other hand, father was ashamed that his son and daughter saw he was chased for debt, so he decided to leave home. Thus, Hung was determined to take the boat with his sister leaving home and stepped on the journey to look for their mother.
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