
原名:Poirot: Dead Man's Mirror   又名:死者的镜子

状态:77播放   更新:2023-08-26 08:08:25

波罗看中了一面镜子,为此他参加了一场拍卖会。结果这面镜子却被傲慢无礼的艺术品经销商杰维斯·谢夫尼克高价抢走。   随后,应杰维斯邀请,波罗来到杰维斯府上,帮他调查他高薪聘请的建筑设计师。   杰维斯太太信奉一种神秘宗教,她向波罗断言:有人将会因这面镜子而死,就在晚餐之前,大家骇然发现,杰维斯死在了他的书房里,一颗子弹穿过了他的脑袋,然后打碎了挂在墙上的那面从拍卖会上买来的镜子。死者左手握着一把手枪,桌上留有一份遗书,上面写着:对不起。   经过现场侦察,总检察官加普认为这是一起明显的自杀事件,但波罗却指出:这是一桩布置巧妙而诡异的谋杀案…Poirot is outbid at an auction for an antique mirror by the dislikeable Gervais Chevenix, who requests Poirot's attendance at his country home as he believes he is being defrauded by a business associate, John Lake. Poirot arrives at the Chevenix house with Hastings and meets Chevenix's wife Vanda, an eccentric who believes in reincarnation and predicts a death in the household, his adopted daughter Ruth and her cousin Hugo,a struggling manufacturer of tubular steel furniture, who will inherit Chevenix's money if they marry and Miss Lingard, a secretary helping Chevenix research a book he is writing. Hugo is engaged to Susan and Ruth has already married Lake in secret. As the household are dressing for dinner, the butler sounds the gong to summon them, and then a shot rings out. Vanda's prophecy has come true and her husband has been murdered.
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