
原名:Babes in Arms   又名:怀中宝贝

状态:47播放   更新:2023-08-22 01:08:49

天资聪颖的小伙子米奇·莫兰(米基·鲁尼 Mickey Rooney 饰)是一位歌手兼作曲家,他继承了父亲多才多艺的表演天赋,表现力极强。米奇的搭档帕特西·巴顿(朱迪·加兰 Judy Garland 饰)是一个漂亮美丽的姑娘,并且也是一位充满创造力的歌手。一日,上天给了米奇一次绝好的机会,他将拥有一次个人秀。然而天公不作美,事情进展得并不顺利。为了逃避被送去劳改农场的命运,米奇不得不在恶劣的天气下筹备他的个人秀。与此同时,帕特西深深地爱上了才华横溢的米奇,两人很快坠入爱河。心怀抱负的米奇,不甘如此草草地举办他的个人秀,他希望能站在更大的舞台上,开启他的演艺生涯。   本片荣获第12届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角提名和最佳配乐提名两项殊荣。Mickey Moran, a talented singer and musician, son of a veteran from the show business. Mickey has a partner, Patsi Barton, a pretty girl and also a very talented singer. One day, a big opportunity arrives for Mickey, a big contract to set up his own show. However, things don't go well, and in order to avoid being sent to a work farm, he'll improvise a show in the country, despite the awful weather conditions. Patsi's in love with Mickey, he loves her too, but for him the show must go on, and his big dream maybe will come true: formally stage his play in a big scenario, with a huge production.
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