
原名:November Rule   又名:

状态:122播放   更新:2023-10-23 10:10:38

和未来的运动鞋的企业家史提夫|谁仍在从他爸爸|死了一个“十一月”规则以保持着距离的女人谁似乎对他们的关系太严重。每年的11月1日|史提夫使了一个天大的谎言为了与他的现任女友分手。然而|今年|当他给美丽的利亚走在她的论文|他意识到自己的不成熟和专制统治也就失去了他梦想中的女人。但他是否能赢得利亚似乎越来越怀疑|尤其是她开始约会的职业体育明星| James Avedon后。Up-and-coming sports shoe entrepreneur Steve, who is still reeling from the death of his dad, has made a "November rule" in order to keep his distance from the women who seem to be getting too serious about their relationship. Every November 1st, Steve makes up a whopping lie in order to break up with his current girlfriend. However, this year, when he gives the beautiful Leah her walking papers, he realizes his immature and arbitrary rule has just lost him the woman of his dreams. But whether he can win Leah back seems increasingly doubtful, especially after she starts dating pro sports star, James Avedon.
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