
原名:Lost Boys: The Tribe   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-05-28 03:05:38

本片是1987年《捉鬼小精灵》的续集。故事发生在加利福尼亚的月亮湾,那里吸血鬼横行泛滥。主人公克里斯和妹妹妮可的父母在一场车祸中丧生,其后他们被性格古怪的姑妈收养,一家人搬到了月亮湾小镇。在那里,妮可无意中喝了一个吸血鬼的血,而克里斯必须要及时找到并打败吸血鬼的首领,以拯救自己的妹妹。The orphan and former surfer Chris Emerson and his sister Nicole Emerson move to Luna Bay expecting to initiate a new life without housing expenses with their Aunt Jillian, but she charges rent to the siblings for a wrecked house, and Chris seeks a job working as board shaper to raise money for the unforeseeable expenses. While in town, he meets his acquaintance and also former surfer Shane Powers that invites Chris for a surf parting at night. Then the siblings unsuccessfully seek out the board shaper and vampire hunter Edgar Frog in his trailer trying to find a job and Chris leaves a message for him. They go to Shane's party and Nicole stays with Shane and drinks booze offered by him. Later she becomes a half-vampire and Edgar advises that she drank vampire's blood and can only be saved if the head-vampire is killed. Chris and Edgar search the hiding place of Shane and his tribe to save Nicole.
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