
原名:El orfanato   又名:孤儿院/灵异孤儿院/凶宅儿魂/The Orphanage

状态:91播放   更新:2024-03-03 06:03:09

劳拉自幼在孤儿院中长大,一大群小朋友天天玩着“一二三,回头看”的游戏,十分友爱。30年后,结婚成家的劳拉带着丈夫和儿子再次来到这座海岸边上的荒废已久的孤儿院,为了重温童年时温暖的回忆以及帮助更多的孤儿,他们决定重建这里。然而7岁的儿子西蒙自从搬来这屋子就开始变得不对劲,他幻想出三个不存在的小朋友嬉戏。劳拉和丈夫担心这个收养又同时患有艾滋病的儿子,劳拉的过度担心让儿子反感。他们一直不相信那些幻觉的真实性,直到一天西蒙失踪了。长达9个月的调查,劳拉开始相信鬼魂的存在,并且发现事情与自己童年时的一位护理员有关,她沉下心来,陪伴这些“孩子们”玩游戏,希望能救出西蒙。©豆瓣Laura, a former orphan, raises her adopted son Simón together with her husband Carlos in an old house and former orphanage where she was raised. While at the orphanage Simón tells Laura that he has five invisible friends which she believes are a product of his active imagination. Laura decides to reopen the orphanage to cater for disabled children and throws a party. During the party Simón tries to persuade Laura to go and take a look at his friends cabin but she's too busy. Later on she sees a mysterious masked boy and realizes that Simón has also disappeared. Laura feels the presence of other people in the house and months later Laura invites a team of parapsychologists to try to unravel the mystery.
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