
原名:扣扳机   又名:The Trigger

状态:222播放   更新:2023-08-26 08:08:48

因背黑锅入狱的高中生阿宏,在狱中认识了中年黑道杀手贵哥,两人成为忘年之交。出狱后的贵哥不甘妻女被人夺走,带着阿宏进行他的复仇行动。然而复仇计划尚未实现,阿宏与仇家之女扣扣陷入热恋,两人偷走贵哥的手枪离家出走,以为有了枪就可以轻易干掉仇人,可以对付全世界的不公不义,可以携手浪跡天涯。两人对暴力的天真想像,如游走于危危钢索上,最后阿宏开枪了,但死的却是他心爱的扣扣……   【幕后制作】   这是台湾新锐导演杨顺清的首部长片,杨顺清也是台湾电影新势力的重要导演之一,可以和张作骥齐名的。他早年参与了杨德昌的《牯岭街少年杀人事件》的剧本和制作,也是杨德昌的弟子之一,所以在《扣扳机》中,能看到《麻将》和《牯》的影子。   片中的演员,除了倪敏然扮演的贵哥是老手之外,其他皆是新面孔。只可惜倪敏然在今年的去世让这部电影成为了他在电影上的最后绝响。The Trigger depicts a professional hit man/assassin (Ni Ming Ran) hired to take out a target. However, his girlfriend's (So Yun Ko) pregnancy gives him second thoughts. He decides that after this job, he will renounce his profession and turn himself in. After his release from prison, he finds his girlfriend married. Bent on revenge, he hooks up with another ex-con he met in prison, a younger man unjustly incarcerated. They plan the job, but his hate disappears when he sees his old girlfriend and his daughter leading happy, normal lives. Unfortunately, determined to dish out justice, his younger partner kills the girl who got him put away.
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