
原名:静かなる決闘   又名:静静的决斗 / The Quiet Duel

状态:正片   更新:2024-05-28 02:05:30

1944年,第二次世界大战正是如火如荼的惨烈时刻。在南洋某个日军战地医院里,军医藤崎恭二(三船敏郎 饰)与同事们夜以继日,不辞疲倦,争分夺秒地抢救每一个伤员。然而厄运突然降临,藤崎的手不慎划上,更被梅毒携带者中田进(植村謙二郎 饰)的污血所感染。战争结束后,藤崎回到父亲孝之辅(志村喬 饰)的医院工作,虽然已有美丽的未婚妻美佐绪(三條美紀 饰),但是他不愿牵连爱人,因此不断推迟婚期,更决定与美佐绪分手。他保守着身患梅毒的秘密,一面与病魔作着悄寂无声的斗争,一面在医者的道路上艰难前行……   本片根据菊田一夫的原作改编。In 1944, in WWII, Dr. Kyoji Fujisaki cuts his finger with the scalpel during a surgery in a field hospital and is infected by spirochete from his patient Susumu Nakada. After the blood test, he realizes that he has contracted syphilis, but he does not have the necessary medicine to treat the disease. He advises Nakada to seek medical treatment for his disease. In 1946, after the war, he breaks off his six years engagement with his beloved fiancée Misao Matsumoto but he does not tell the truth but lets her go and find another man to get married. The hopeless apprentice, nurse Rui Minegishi, witnesses Kioji injecting Salvarsan to treat his syphilis, and first she misunderstands why the doctor is sick. Later, after discovering the truth about his disease, she changes her behavior and becomes the confident listener of the doctor's inner feelings. When Kyoji accidentally meets Nakada in the police station of his town and finds that his wife is pregnant, he warns the reckless man about the risk of his lack of responsibility to his wife and baby.
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