前任中情局特工杰克·麦考尔(马修·莫迪恩Matthew Modine 饰)负责秘密训练一只名叫克莱门斯的黑猩猩。他们希望将克莱门斯训练成为一个有利的作战工具。然而邪恶的研究主管为达目的百般折磨着克莱门斯。这只黑猩猩一直伺机从实验室里逃跑。终于,他们在男孩麦克·邓恩(塞斯·阿德金斯Seth Adkins 饰)的家中找到了安身之所。很快,麦克与这只神奇的黑猩猩成为了好朋友。麦克和杰克共同照顾着聪明的克莱门斯,并教它学习空手道和各种中国功夫。一连串惊奇好笑的冒险故事开始了,发生在“三人组”间种种让人忍俊不禁的故事更是爆笑连连。This amusing, darkly comic tale follows CIA agent Jack McCall and a chimpanzee that he attempts to liberate from a testing lab. Named Clemens, the chimp has been trained in martial arts combat, as part of a program designed to turn the creatures into fearsome fighting machines. Naturally this leads to plenty of slapstick moments between Modine and the chimp, especially when they seek refuge in the home of a boy and his mother as the owners of the lab hotfoot it after the escaped primate.
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