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所有的童话传奇都来自梦想。讲述Rose一家人原本过著幸福快乐的日子,她拥有三个天真爱作梦的孩子,但当哥哥意外去世,面对丧失挚亲之痛,整个家庭都陷入悲伤的情绪之中。其中两个兄妹彼得与爱丽丝更为了逃避残酷的现实,分别走入梦幻岛(Neverland)及仙境世界 (Wonderland)。而安洁莉娜裘莉正是饰演这对兄妹的母亲Rose。这个故事写在爱丽丝前往兔子洞以及彼得潘成为小飞侠之前,《勇敢传说》导演布兰妲查普曼将带领你颠覆所有想像,探索一场爱与梦想的奇幻旅程…!Eight-year-old Alice (Keira Chansa), her mischievous brother Peter (Jordan A. Nash) and their brilliant older sibling David (Reece Yates) let their imaginations run wild one blissful summer in the English countryside. Encouraged by their parents Jack and Rose (David Oyelowo and Angelina Jolie), the kids' make-believe tea parties, sword fights and pirate ship adventures come to an abrupt end when tragedy strikes. Peter, eager to prove himself a hero to his grief-stricken and financially-struggling parents, journeys with Alice to London, where they try to sell a treasured heirloom to the sinister pawnshop owner known as C.J. (David Gyasi). Returning home, Alice seeks temporary refuge in a wondrous rabbit hole while Peter permanently escapes reality by entering a magical realm as leader of the "Lost Boys."
远走高飞 Come Away (2020) 2020.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG

资源名:远走高飞 Come Away (2020) 2020.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG




