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原名:Bang, Bang, You're Dead   又名:

状态:333播放   更新:2023-08-22 10:08:50

亚当斯(本·福斯特 Ben Foster 饰)是一位十分叛逆的高中男生,曾经,他甚至口出狂言说要炸掉学校,亚当斯的言论吸引了边缘团体“特洛格”的注意,这是一个非常危险而又深不可测的组织,常常和校园周边的黑暗组织发生暴力冲突。   邓肯(汤姆·加瓦那 Tom Cavanagh 饰)是学校的戏剧老师,他深知亚当斯并不是表面看上去的那样无可救药,他找到了亚当斯,邀请他在话剧中担任重要角色,这让亚当斯感到十分不可思议。在为了演出话剧而拍摄的短片中,亚当斯选择了校园枪击案作为拍摄题材,他的短片揭发了“特洛格”所组织的一系列恐怖活动,却也将自己置于了十分危险的境地。For the most part it's a tale of an adolescent, Trevor, who gets picked on a lot at school. Not as much as he used to, because the year before he called in a phony bomb threat, complete with a working bomb (minus anything that would actually explode). Because of this, parents and teachers are afraid of him, and his fellow students generally avoid him, except for a group of outcasts called the "Trogs". As violence by the Jocks against the Trogs escalates, Trevor is the suspect for anything gone wrong, even though he didn't necessarily do anything. One teacher is willing to give Trevor the benefit of the doubt, and casts him in a highly controversial play about (what else?) school shootings. It all comes to a head as some other students create a plan to bring guns to school and kill everyone in the cafeteria.





